Bail and Bail Bonds in Thailand. Finding yourself or a loved one facing arrest in a foreign country can be a terrifying experience. Thailand, with its distinct legal system, throws additional complexities into the mix. If you’re arrested in Thailand, understanding bail and bail bonds becomes crucial for securing release and ensuring a fair legal […]

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Breach of Contract occurs when one party fails to follow the terms of a binding agreement. These cases can arise from many sources such as real estate agreements, loan contracts, and labor agreements. Most attorneys will attempt to resolve a breach of contract dispute through informal methods such as a demand letter before filing for […]

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Personal Injury Claims in Thailand are governed by the conflict laws under Section 15. This section stipulates that where a person willfully or negligently causes injury to another’s life, body, health, liberty, property or rights he is bound to make compensation. The courts seek to place claimants back in the position they would be had […]

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Medical malpractice lawsuits are on the rise worldwide, including in Thailand. Despite the country’s enviable reputation as a medical tourism destination, many patients suffer from botched surgeries and deaths caused by incompetent doctors. In general, claimants in Thailand can seek compensation for damages arising from the consumption of goods and services by referring to the […]

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Achieving a dispute settlement in a court of law requires navigating complex litigation procedures. Often, the process is long and adversarial. Chandler MHM Limited’s dispute resolution practice includes an experienced team of local and international practitioners. Among them, practice leader Waree Shinsirikul handles bankruptcy and rehabilitation proceedings as well as commercial litigation, while Nathee Silacharoen […]

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The IP&IT Court plays a critical role in safeguarding intellectual property rights and resolving international trade disputes, contributing to Thailand’s innovation-driven economy and its global trade partnerships. This article explores the functions, structure and significance of this specialized court. Unlike most WTO members, Thailand does not automatically grant re-export exemption in all AD and CVD […]

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Labor and employment laws in Thailand are complex. It is important for foreign businesses to grasp these rules to ensure that business operations are carried out with compliance. Employees can bring a dispute to the Labor Court, which is a specialised court. It is also possible for employees to try to resolve the issue through […]

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