Title Search in Thailand. Investing in real estate is a significant undertaking, and ensuring the legitimacy of property ownership is paramount. In Thailand, conducting a thorough title search is a crucial step in the real estate transaction process. This article delves into the importance of title searches in Thailand, the legal framework surrounding property titles, […]

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Breach of Contract in Thailand. Contracts form the backbone of business transactions and relationships, providing a framework for parties to define their rights and obligations. However, when one party fails to uphold its commitments, a breach of contract occurs, raising legal implications. This article explores breach of contract in Thailand, shedding light on legal perspectives, […]

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Marriage registration is a complicated process in Thailand. It’s recommended you enlist the help of a firm experienced in the procedure. The first step is submitting all your documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for authentication (normally takes 2 days). The next step is getting your translation and copies of passports legalized. Age Requirements […]

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A Power of Attorney in Thailand is a legal tool that allows you to give another person the power to act on your behalf. These documents can be general, conferring broad legal authority or special, limited to specific deeds. For property transfers, the land office department will only accept their standard power of attorney forms […]

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A notary is an official that the state authorizes to authenticate signatures or documents, or witness affidavits and statements of persons under oath. Lawyers licensed by the Thai Lawyers Council of Thailand can act as notaries. Documents notarized by a notary are considered valid internationally. This is especially true if they are submitted to foreign […]

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Breach of Contract occurs when one party fails to follow the terms of a binding agreement. These cases can arise from many sources such as real estate agreements, loan contracts, and labor agreements. Most attorneys will attempt to resolve a breach of contract dispute through informal methods such as a demand letter before filing for […]

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Personal Injury Claims in Thailand are governed by the conflict laws under Section 15. This section stipulates that where a person willfully or negligently causes injury to another’s life, body, health, liberty, property or rights he is bound to make compensation. The courts seek to place claimants back in the position they would be had […]

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